Recently, the Lord stirred my heart to bring a simple message reminding us of the basic truth of living our life with Faith being active. For most of my life, I've been in an environment with Faith was taught, and there have been many times where I have felt that my Faith was stirring strongly in my life.

But I have noticed that there are those times, that my Faith has seemed weak - times where I have felt that God was not very close. If there is one thing that I have learned about Faith, it is that Faith is a consumable product. Like the gas in our vehicle, when energy is being expended, gas is being consumed. It takes Faith to live our day to day life, especially in the environment we are in right now. Just living our life today, takes Faith.
So the question we have to ask ourself is, "What am I doing to refuel my Faith?" It is easy to come to church on Sunday and get stirred up in Faith, and be ready to go out and conquer your week, but what are you doing on Monday? Tuesday? It is easy to start out on a spiritual high, but end up at a spiritual low, unless we are refueling regularly.
It is one thing to start out strong in Faith, but a whole other thing to finish strong in Faith. It seems the GAP between the perceived reality of where we are and what we feel God is stirring in our heart to believe him for is the place that many fall short. Faith holds on to Hope in the GAP between Reality and the Manifestation of what we see in our heart.
Faith holds on to Hope in the GAP between
Reality and the Manifestation of what we see in our heart
I love the words of we read in Romans that the Apostle Paul says of Abraham,"Abraham never wavered in believing God's promise. In fact, his faith grew stronger, and in this he brought glory to God. He was fully convinced that God is able to do whatever He promises." (Romans 4:20-21 NLT)
How are you doing in the GAP? Are you growing tired & weary? Hang in there! Don't give up now! Keep trusting in Jesus to walk with you through whatever you are facing!
In the story of Peter walking on the water in Matthew 14, we see him experiencing the supernatural power of God as he walked on the water to go to Jesus, but 'when he saw' the reality of what he was doing, fear came in and 'he began to sink'. The words of Jesus to Peter are very thought provoking, "..."You have so little faith," Jesus said. "Why did you doubt Me?" (Matt. 14:31 NLT)
That phrase, 'Little Faith', in the original language means, 'short burst'. In other words, Jesus as asking Peter, "Why did you just have a short burst of Faith? Why didn't you keep going in the Gap?"
How's your Faith level today? If it is weak, spend a few minutes in the Word, or reading a devotional, or put on some worship music! Or even take a moment and read through our I Am Statements. You can't afford to be running on Empty!
Know you are loved and we are praying that God takes care of your every need and that He reveals Himself to you in a very special way this week!
“Now faith brings our hopes into reality and becomes the foundation
needed to acquire the things we long for.
It is all the evidence required to prove what is still unseen.”
Hebrews 11:1 (The Passion Translation)
Good word! Short bursts of faith. That makes it clearer. Thanks
very good!
Love this!
This is so good!