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WHAT IS tidal youth?


Tidal Youth is the student ministry of World Harvest Church. It is for students 6th-12th grade. Our mission is to raise up students to be free and planted, passionately pursing God, boldly sharing Jesus, and confidently discovering their purpose.



Tidal Youth has a service every Wednesday night at 7pm in the main sanctuary. Doors open at 6:30pm and the service ends at 8:15pm.



We alternate between Ministry Nights and Small Group Nights every other week.


Ministry Nights consist of student-lead worship, a powerful message/teaching, alter call, and prayer. Small Group Nights consist of a short game, a devo that recaps the message taught the week before, and then we break into Small Groups where the students eat and discuss questions that help them apply biblical principles to every-day life.



Here at Tidal, we believe that YOU are the first and best youth pastor to your student. It is our honor to simply partner with you. For that reason, we are committed to keeping you in the loop!


Nearly every month, we release a parent newsletter with a message just for you from our Youth Pastor Brittany Juliano, information on the current sermon series, important upcoming ministry-wide events, and an article or resource we hope will either encourage, inspire, or be a resource to you. We hope you enjoy!


You can also sign up for our monthly Parent Newsletter by clicking the button below.



You can stay up to date with our Tidal Youth Ministry and see pictures from our services by following us on social media @tidal_yth. 

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Brittany Juliano


Brittany has served at World Harvest Church for over 10 years in various positions and has been a full-time employee at World Harvest for the past 6 years. Brittany currently serves as the Next Generations Pastor, Youth Pastor and Outreach/Missions Director. 


After Brittany graduated with her BS in theology at Oral Roberts University, she felt God’s call on her life to serve in the local church. She has a passion for youth & kids and seeing them reach their full potential and gain freedom in all areas of their lives.


Brittany received her Masters Degree in summer 2022. Her desire is to see all people freed from their past and pursuing God with their passion. 

Tidal yth rules

Rule #1 Respect All Leaders.
If any leader asks you to do something, don't argue with them.
Rule #2 NO PDA
Hugs are fine. No kissing or sitting on laps.
Rule #3 Don't leave sanctuary once service starts.
Use the restroom and get a drink before 7pm. You must wait till after service to leave.
Rule #4 Don't be distracting.
Don't talk to your friends once service starts on Ministry nights
Rule #5 Act like a Christian.
Don't use explicit or vulgar language. Don't bring drugs, alcohol, vapes, or weapons to church.
Rule #6 You must have a ride home from youth.
We ask that all youth students have a pre-approved plan of how they are getting home from youth on Wednesdays. This means not asking small group leaders or our youth pastor for a ride home. You can ask if you need a ride before service starts at 7 but no later.
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