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About Our Youth Ministry

 It is Tidal Youth's goal to create a ministry that helps middle school and high school students take ownership of their faith. What do students who own their faith look like? They are individuals who have an intimate relationship with God, a deep love for others, and a heart of service for the world around them. This happens when students see God’s activity in and around their lives, and they decide to participate with God in His activity. Our volunteers invest heavily every Wednesday night in the lives of our teenagers and help them develop the tools to own their faith.

Ways to Serve in Tidal Youth

Small Group Leader

Every student needs an adult to walk alongside them as they journey in owning their faith! In this role, you will shepherd the students in your Small Group as a faith influencer and create an environment in Small Group where honest conversation can take place as the deep roots of community are formed.


We want Tidal Youth to be the “best night of the week,” and Hosts are the ones that make that happen! In this role, you will shepherd students as a faith influencer and create an environment of welcome for students at Tidal Youth each week.

Worship Team

Play an instrument? Love to lead worship? We do live worship every other Wednesday night and would love to have you be apart of our youth band!


Are you good with technology? Lights, sound, social media, videography, photography, etc. We could use you!

How to Become a Volunteer

Membership Class

Serve Monthly



All volunteers must meet the following requirements:

  • Have attended Harvest Track Membership Class

  • Be committed to a Harvest Group within the first 6 months of their service with a ministry area


STEP 2: COMPLETE serve form

Once you become a member with World Harvest, fill out this Serve Form to start the process to serve.

Want to invest in the mission of World Harvest?

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